Academic Publications
Sanz, T., & Rodriguez-Labajos, B. (2021). Does artistic activism change anything? Strategic and transformative effects of arts in anti-coal struggles in Oakland, CA. Geoforum, 122, 41-54.
Rodriguez-Labajos, B., & Ray, I. (2021). Six avenues for engendering creative environmentalism. Global Environmental Change, 68, 102269.
Smith, D. J., & Rodriguez-Labajos, B. (2021). Turning the wheel away from biophysical indicators in coastal zone management: Towards a stakeholder-based systemic framework. Ecological Indicators, 125, 107527.
Rodriguez-Labajos, B., Saavedra-Díaz, L., & Botto-Barrios, D. (2021). Filmmaking as a source of enhanced knowledge and transformation in conflicts over small-scale fisheries: the case of Colombia. Ecology and Society, 26(2).
Rodriguez-Labajos, B., Yánez, I., Bond, P., Greyl, L., Munguti, S., Ojo, G. U., & Overbeek, W. (2019). Not so natural an alliance? Degrowth and environmental justice movements in the global south. Ecological economics, 157, 175-184.
Artistic Output
Willming, J. (2021). “Beuys, Morris and the Artistic Turn in Degrowth Roots”. Performance Lecture at the 8th International Degrowth Conference The Hague.
Sanz, T. (2021). “Under-ground Ore”. Documentary Collaboration with “Teatro en movimiento Callejerx”.
In the Media
Oldach, Ellie. July 9th 2021. Filmmakers focus the lens on fish. Oceanbites Science Blog.
Beatriz Rodriguez-Labajos interviewed for Imaginacion Sonora at 106.9 FM Radio Universidad del Tolima.